
Cigarettes CBD & Nicotine - Zion

Cigarettes CBD & Nicotine - Zion

Zion CBD & nicotine cigarettes are the perfect alternative for your customers who want to quit smoking, or simply have a stress-free good time.

The CBD contained in these cigarettes plays a calming role in smoking cessation, and the nicotine prevents a too abrupt cut-off, perfect for those who are gradually cutting down without the risk of relapse.

In packs of 20 cigarettes, Zion CBD & nicotine are the perfect ally to take with you wherever you go.

Recommended retail price (€)

10,90 €

Product types (General)


Organic origin





In packets

Presence of nicotine

With nicotine





Wholesaler - Cigarettes CBD & Nicotine - Zion

Zion CBD & nicotine cigarettes are the perfect alternative for your customers who want to quit smoking, or simply have a stress-free good time.

The CBD contained in these cigarettes plays a calming role in smoking cessation, and the nicotine prevents a too abrupt cut-off, perfect for those who are gradually cutting down without the risk of relapse.

In packs of 20 cigarettes, Zion CBD & nicotine are the perfect ally to take with you wherever you go.

Don't miss our offers

Cigarettes CBD Nicotine - Zion
Cigarettes CBD & Nicotine - Zion
49,00 - 490,00 HT Select options